Content is the lifeblood of the organization
But, it's often an inefficient, expensive and inconsistent area of the business. Frequently it's developed silos or to support one specific marketing tactic. This results in duplicative efforts, confused messaging and over spend. Content without a strategy weakens your brand, your sellers' efforts and the efficacy of your channel partners.
No asset left behind
A content strategy framework resolves redundancy and quality issues across the organization. It serves as the foundation for messaging architectures, company or category narratives, seller assets, social and digital properties and campaigns. It provides greater insight, quality & speed. A content strategy ensures that every asset is leveraged for optimal success throughout the buyers journey and is never left behind as a "one-off" exercise.
Purpose and Value
CMO's see this problem as twofold; the strategy or purpose of content and the quality and value it delivers. Our Marketers use content strategically and can help you create a framework that's right for your business.
Great brands are fueled by engaging content
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